Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Travel Solo

Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Travel Solo

When you hear about people solo travelling, taking on the world alone, you can’t help but feel a little envious. They’re inspiring, courageous and down right motivating. They make you want to jump on that plane, fall in love with the world and never return. At least that’s how I felt. 

So why don’t more of us travel alone?

Well, I think it’s fear. Fear of the dangers. Fear of being alone. Fear of the unknown. It all adds up and starts to weigh on your mind.

Just over 2 years ago I found myself sitting at my computer screen wondering if I should click enter and book that ticket to Europe I had been eyeing for weeks. I was just tired of waiting for someone to come with me. I had trips to China cancelled, Europe, Australia, you name it. For years people got this moment of courage and said, “Yeah lets go!” but when it came time to book a flights they bailed. “I can’t right now.” – “I’m not ready.” – “I can’t afford it.” Leaving me with this bad taste in my mouth that I would never travel across seas if I didn’t take matters into my own hands. I means what’s the worst that could happen?

I asked my parents, I talked to my friend, wishing for someone to tell me it was a good idea, that it wouldn’t be a mistake to head out alone, but in all honesty, I was met with “Why?” That was discouraging. Because I want to, that’s why. I didn’t want to be questioned I wanted to be encouraged. I wanted people to cheer my decision on but because some people can’t understand your decisions doesn’t mean it’s a bad one. And with so much of the world available to us why wouldn’t we want to travel, even if it was solo? 

For some, and I was like this myself, taking the leap of faith to book that plane ticket was the hardest part it all. To get over your fear of travelling alone and finally do something for yourself that might seem odd to some, but if you want to – go for it. No one’s stopping you but yourself.

Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Travel Solo

Travelling alone has been the best decision of my life. Since then I have been to 11 countries. Countries I would have never seen if I didn’t have that moment of insane courage to head out alone. You never know, if you take lead then others might follow.

“IN THE END… We only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.” -Lewis Carroll 

But if that’s not enough to strip away your fears, here’s why you shouldn’t be afraid to travel alone:

-You’ll never know if you like it or not till you get there 

-All it takes is one moment of courage to leave and it snowballs from there 

-The world’s not as scary as the media makes it out to be

-You will grow exponentially as a human

-You make friends, if you are willing 

-People are people! No matter where you are people are just like us 

-We all just want to live a happy fulfilling life, don’t let the bad outweigh the good

-You will gain more confidence 

-The resources are out there

-English is spoken everywhere 

Use you head and you’ll be fine! 

Have you ever travelled solo, and if so, what did you learn?

Last Updated on

By Shelby Rae

Hi, I’m Shelby! I am a writer, artist and traveller from Canada with a never ending thirst for new experiences and adventures. My favourite things are smoothies, photography, plane tickets and a good cup of coffee. When I’m not writing for my travel and lifestyle blog called The Fernweh Wolf, you can find me doodling or planning my next adventure!

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