We found 45 results for your search.

6 Common Causes of Your Repeating Failure as a Blogger

Have you been reading influential bloggers for a long time? Do you think you can accomplish similar level of quality and popularity? Good for you; you should definitely start a blog! It doesn’t matter what your current occupation is; a popular blog can always enhance your business and online reputation. This activity will also make…

Blog Makeovers

Pull out your virtual cosmetic bags because the Blog Beautician is here! I help make blogs beautiful and primp them for success by showing you how quick and easy a blog makeover can be. I share content and design tips that are proven to increase traffic and take your blog to the next level. I…

SEO Basics for Bloggers – 10 Tips for Better Search Engine Optimization

 photo Alright, bloggers and website owners. let’s sit down for a cup’a tea and talk about S to the E to the O. What is SEO? It stands for Search Engine Optimization and you’ve probably heard the term if you’ve been around the internet for a while. Why is it important? I will tell you……

Blogger vs. WordPress: Which is Better? What You Need to Know!

BlogTrends on Twitter recently asked: “Blogger is free; Is being self-hosted on WordPress really worth the financial investment?” I’ve been wanting to write a post about Blogger vs. WordPress for quite some time so this seemed like the perfect opportunity. To answer the question, it really depends. First of all, I work with both Blogger…

Kitschy Kitchen Decor Ideas

Kitschy kitchens are gearing up to be a home decor trend in 2024, according to Pinterest Predicts! If you’ve been dreaming of a colorful and quirky retro kitchen, this is your year to make it happen! Creating your own new kitschy kitchen (also lovingly termed a “kitschen”) means incorporating vibrant colors and patterns, sprinkling in…

Everything You Need to Know About the Pinterest Algorithm in 2024

When you think of promotion strategies for creative business, social media is the number one idea. Out of all the platforms, the ones people commonly flock to are Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. However, one very underrated social media site is Pinterest. Pinterest is a visual platform, with content imported from everywhere on the web. But…